Stiffff Kitties creator, Diane D. Meinke takes ASCAP to task!

Special thanks to our friend Shannon for the banner from

July 1st - A message from Sera to all of her fans and friends -please read

Fanbase press release 7-1-05 by email

July 1st 2005, IceFire International Records presented Sera de Morte' with her SECOND Air Platinum Plaque Award for the Album project entitled "Witches Dance" which was originally released in 2002 and received three grammy nominations in 2003. You can view her new award in the pictures area of the bands myspace account
  or you can view the second platinum award plaque below this press release.

Other than this mailer to the Stiffff KItties fan base, friends and management, we will not be doing a press release about the award as of yet. The previous press release for the Stiffff Kitties Platinum Award was removed after ASCAP's legal dept contacted to have them remove all press releases related to Diane Meinke. PRweb and several other individuals received similar calls from ASCAP's legal dept. We can only assume it was done as an effort to erase the evidence and proof of Sera' s worldwide airplay. The proof which substantiates Sera's unpaid performance royalties claim. The CD is available at 

Congratulations again Sera!

ASCAP has still not responded or brought forth any evidence to dispute Sera's claim of of massive airplay and the performance royalties due her. With TWO Platinum awards in her possession which required over a MILLION spins worldwide for each award, it's easy to imagine and do the math to figure just how much ASCAP has short changed Sera.

This is a very sad situation! We hope that some will never forget her story, nor her treatment as an ASCAP member. Please read Sera's plea to her fans and friends below...

Quote from Sera de Morte' aka Diane D Meinke, "We must move on, and we will...ASCAP will never pay me, all we need to do now is accept that and then move on. If we continue on this path my dear friends...everyone around us...our friends, our family will suffer the consequences. No one is outside of this organizations reach, and I do not want to be responsible for any of you getting hurt in any way. Sure I am disappointed and upset, disappointed in an organization that made claims to protect my rights as a songwriter, but I now I know the truth. And now many of you do as well. Music is the reason I write, play, sing and perform. It's time to go grass is time for us to is time.

I love my fans for they are my friends...I am touched every time I get an email. I haven't given up...the band and I have been successful in spreading the truth about our situation and trust me when I tell you that we are not singled out or alone in this royalty issue. ASCAP has a grip on this industry like you wouldn't believe. They are very powerful, very...but so are we. I believe in Karma...and the day will come when ASCAP gets back every single thing they deserve for the countless people they have hurt, stolen from and lied to. I am asking for all of you to please let go of this fight...certainly we will not forget, but please let go and then we can all press on to more positive things.  I will get out on tour to see you all as soon as I can...I will figure out a way! I love you all...thank you for your support! Thank you for each and every email, letter, and phone call you made to me, and to ASCAP and PRweb on my behalf. I will never forget it, nor ever have the proper words to thank you enough. Sera


UVI Records
VMG Worldwide

Sera de Morte'  "Witches Dance" Air Platinum Award 

Released 2002 - received three Grammy Nominations

Stiffff Kitties "Mya's, Book of the Dead" Air Platinum Award 

Released 2003 - received three Grammy nominations

Press release link - They erased it!

The above link above does not work any longer, ASCAP's legal dept is responsible for having it removed in yet another place! You can read the article here...

Active Press release link

Listen to the David Lawrence Show with Special guest Diane D. Meinke the creator of the Stiffff Kitties broadcasted on June 10th 2005 on XM radio & Sirius Satellite. Find out the real story on ASCAP's questionable business practices (a non-profit organization where the buck stops in their pocket???) Discover how they extort money from venues but don't pay the songwriters and publishers what is due them!?

Full Show (click to listen)

Podcast (click to listen)

The David Lawrence Show 


Join the music revolution!

"KISS MY ASSCAP" with David Lawrence- Stiffff Kitties new track (right click to download)

-Please feel free download, burn, & share this song and it's message!-

ASCAP performance report for same period as the Air Platinum Awards!

This is the "Air" & or Promo Platinum that the Stiffff Kitties creator received from the "International Music Licenser's Trust" for the achievement of over One Million Plays. "Mya's Book of the Dead"  achieved this Internationally, and surpassed One Million by late 2004. Yet...ASCAP claims no surveyed performances for that period??? Unfortunately, this is, and has been a problem...for many many artists for a very long time. 

The Stiffff Kitties creator, Diane D Meinke has over 26 songs working worldwide, beside this project! Even worse yet, the Stiffff Kitties  NEVER received any royalties from ASCAP for ANY of their live performances NOR for anything else for that matter. Zippo, Ziltch, Nadda!!!

What does this mean??? If you are an artist/songwriter, this is what you have to look forward to if you are a member of ASCAP or BMI! I wish we could show you a scanned in cancelled check...but there has been NONE!!!

UVI Records, Inc.

If you want to do something about this please email us or visit the bands website & join the Stiffff Kitties Group and voice your opinion.


(comic relief radio with Host "Uben Had")